PSTAKE is Now Listed on Thruster on Blast Chain

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Staying ahead in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency requires continuous expansion. That’s why pSTAKE is thrilled to announce its strategic move into the Blast ecosystem. This expansion not only opens new doors for pSTAKE but also presents exciting opportunities for our traders and stakeholders. With a new liquidity pool set to go live on Thruster, this move is expected to attract more traders, build liquidity, and contribute to the growth and strength of the PSTAKE ecosystem.

The move onto the Blast chain follows pSTAKE’s recent push onto the Base Chain. This latest expansion is geared towards building liquidity, gaining more distribution, attracting traders, and ultimately strengthening the PSTAKE ecosystem.

Bridge PSTAKE to Blast using Celer Bridge

With the official integration of PSTAKE and Blast Chain through Celer Bridge (cBridge), we’re opening up new possibilities for our community. This expansion of our partnership with Celer Network not only broadens our reach but also enhances the value of our ecosystem. 

cBridge, the user-friendly multi-chain bridging protocol, is designed to simplify the process of bridging assets across different ecosystems. With its low fees and zero trust, cBridge has already facilitated over $260 million in cross-chain swaps in May 2024 alone, spanning over 40 blockchains and layer-2 rollups.

Our partnership with Celer Network, which initially bridged PSTAKE to the Binance Chain, is now expanding further into more ecosystems by bringing PSTAKE to Blast. The process to bridge to the Blast chain is as simple as it gets. Just head over to the cBridge PSTAKE → Blast Chain interface, connect your wallet, and initiate the swap. It’s that easy!

Why Blast Chain?

Why Blast Chain? The answer lies in its impressive features. 

Backed by prominent VCs such as Paradigm and Standard Crypto, Blast is rapidly gaining popularity. It’s a highly efficient Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, powered by the OP Stack. This means it offers a fast, secure, and scalable environment for developers and users alike. With the ability to process up to 100K transactions per second (TPS), Blast ensures that even the most demanding applications perform seamlessly, making it an ideal platform for pSTAKE’s expansion.

Since its launch in March 2024, the Blast ecosystem has been a resounding success, amassing over $3.4 billion in Total Value Locked (TVL). This remarkable achievement is a testament to the potential of the Blast chain and the myriad opportunities it can bring to the PSTAKE community as we venture into this thriving ecosystem.

The ecosystem makes it extremely efficient to bridge from the Ethereum blockchain to the Blast chain through its native bridge, allowing users to easily migrate in just a few clicks. 

Furthermore, with an average trading volume of over $20 million per day, Token Terminal estimates that the network is already experiencing over 500,000 daily active users:

What truly sets Blast Chain apart is its exclusive approach to bringing native Ethereum and stablecoin yields for depositors, which are compounded automatically over time. This unique feature is rapidly attracting sophisticated traders, who are starting to make Blast Chain their preferred ecosystem. 

Thanks to its native yields, Blast chain has achieved a staggering $2 billion TVL remarkably quickly, attracting traders seeking to expand their passive income through Rebasing tokens. 

This feature puts Blast in a different category from its competition, allowing it to distinguish itself from other rapidly rising chains such as Avalanche or Optimism. The allure of passive income allowed Blast’s TVL to quickly surpass the $1.7 billion TVL on Base—even after launching a year later. 

So, why are we pushing PSTAKE into new ecosystems?

By expanding into Blast, PSTAKE is not only tapping into a new pool of potential users and traders but also boosting liquidity and increasing its market presence, thereby strengthening its position in the crypto world.

The native bridge and the potential to integrate into Blast-based DeFi dApps also present multiple future opportunities for PSTAKE. Furthermore, its integration with EVM wallets and using ETH for transactions make it easy for existing Ethereum users to transition to Blast. This increased accessibility can drive higher adoption rates and foster a more vibrant community around PSTAKE.

The strategic move of PSTAKE to Blast, following its recent foray into the Base chain, is a testament to our commitment to diversify liquidity sources and reach new user bases. This multi-chain strategy enhances PSTAKE’s overall liquidity and captures a broader market.

More trading → More Distribution → More Eyeballs → More Trading → Repeat

Why Thruster?

Once bridged to Blast, users can then add liquidity to the PSTAKE/WETH pool on Thruster

Thruster Finance is a yield-first DEX on Blast for Blast-native teams to build on. The DEX has over $580 million in TVL since its launch in March 2024, with over 350 pools to trade within. Similar to Uniswap, the DEX provides seamless, decentralized, and permissionless swaps between assets on the Blast chain.

Overall, we’re pushing PSTAKE to where there’s trading activity. PSTAKE is now available to be bridged to Blast on Celer Network, and you can add liquidity to the PSTAKE/WETH pool on Thruster.

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